The BPSC hosts IBS matches in Houston, MO. The 2014 schedule is shown below for information, however 2016’s schedule is not yet available.
IBS Match 2016 Registration and Release of Liability Forms
IBS – 2014 Schedule
IBS 600 Yard Registered Matches (SOY = Shooter of the Year)
Range Opens at noon on the Friday prior to match for practice and sigh in.
March 29, 2014 SOY
March 30, 2014 SOY
June 21, 2014 SOY 600 Yard Missouri State Championship
June 22, 2014 SOY 600 Yard Missouri State Championship
August 16, 2014 SOY
Light Gun Class (no more than 17 pounds, including scope), Heavy Gun Class, Factory Gun Class
Entry Fees: one gun $30 / two guns $50 / three guns $65 You must be a member in good standing of the IBS or NBRSA prior to the start of the match to shoot in Light Gun Class or Heavy Gun Class. Please bring your card, or you can join IBS at the match. IBS rules will be enforced.
On match days, registration ends at 8:00 AM. The firing line will open for registered competitors for sight-in until 8:30 AM (register before you shoot). A safety meeting will begin at 8:45 AM, and the match will start at 9:00 AM.
Lunch will be available.
Each class shoots 4 targets of 5 shots for record, scored for group and score.
Bolts must be removed from all rifles at all times, except when the appropriate range commands are given.
Eye and ear protection are required on the firing line. Super feet or other rest pads are required for rests with pointed feet.
Please fill out Match Registration form and Liability Release form and bring to the match.
Contact information: Ryan Hunt 417-247-2391
IBS Forms