
13 & 14 July 2024 6...
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13 & 14 July 2024 600-Yard F-Class Two Day Championship

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Big Piney 2 day Championship Match Results July 13 & 14, 2024
We had great weather for our 2 day match, especially for the middle of July in Missouri! The great weather made a great match just that much more fun. On Saturday rain and thunderstorms were predicted, but the rain missed the range, and the cloud cover made the temperatures much more pleasant than expected. Even the wind cooperated except during the very first relay of the day. It was not the usual crazy wind we have at Piney, and the first day scores reflect that. There were a lot of cleans shot on Saturday!
At the end of the day on Saturday, Dave Glick had the lead in Open with the only 600 of the day, Israel Perry led TR only 2 points short of a clean for the day, and @Lance Watkins had the lead in Varmit/Tactical only 1 point down for the day.
Sunday was definitely warmer, clearer, and a bit more windy, but maybe still not "Big Piney Windy". The wind may have been responsible for some position changes with Lance Watkins being the only day 1 leader managing to hold his Saturday lead for the overall win. In fact, all three leaders in Varmit/Tactical managed to keep their positions on Sunday with Kevin Green holding on to second and Shane Long remaining third. In TR @David Schmidt managed to move ahead of Israel Perry by a point to take the win, and Mark Berhorst held on to third. Open had the biggest changes, with Eric Burton managing to move ahead of Dave Glick from fourth place on Saturday to take the win by a single point over Dave, and Jim Davis jumped all the way from eighth to third!
In addition to two days of close competition, we had a great meal of pizza with watermelon and chocolate chip cookies for desert on Saturday, and a drawing on Sunday for lots of door prizes ranging from spotting scopes, binos, and scope rings to certificates for barrels, bullets, and discounts to hats and shirts. On the subject of door prizes, I want to give a shout out to @Lance Watkins, and @David Wiggins for giving the bullet certificates they won to a Junior Shooter, Logan Murray. This is a wonderful gesture, and is the sort of thing we need to help get young shooters interested in our sport and to support them and make it possible for them to continue in the sport.
All in all it was a great weekend and everyone seemed to have a good time.  We want to thank all of our sponsors listed below who donated prizes and supported our match. Please support them as well! They are supporting our sport and making matches like this possible, so purchase from them, and let them know you appreciate their support!
@Shilen Rifles, Inc
@EP Integrations
@Graf & Sons
@Forster Products
Ryan Hunt
@Bat Machine
@Harrell's Precision
@County Fuels
@PMA Tool, LLC
Also a big Thank You to Keith Beasley for making and donating the beautiful rifle silhouette trophies, and his daughter for lettering them!
Finally, thanks to everyone who attended the match, and to everyone who helped set up, take down, and make things run, and a big thanks to the score shack crew - @Vera Greer, @Janet Glick, and Rose Perry.
Hope to see everyone at next month's match!
Match1 Match2 Match3 Match4 Match5 Grand Agg
Burton, Eric 200/12X 199/11X 200/12X 200/15X 199/11X 998/61X
Glick, David 200/16X 200/16X 200/11X 197/11X 200/14X 997/68X
Davis, Jim 198/7X 200/12X 199/8X 200/13X 199/15X 996/55X
Beasley, Keith 199/8X 199/11X 200/9X 199/14X 199/13X 996/55X
Rochelle, Jerry 199/14X 200/15X 200/15X 200/13X 196/9X 995/66X
Ogrzewalla, Randy 199/11X 200/14X 200/13X 197/9X 199/10X 995/57X
Cox, Edward 197/8X 200/6X 199/11X 199/13X 200/8X 995/46X
Simmons, Mark 198/10X 200/10X 200/16X 196/10X 200/11X 994/57X
Wake, Dannie 196/12X 200/15X 199/13X 198/7X 200/13X 993/60X
Cook, Cody 197/9X 200/12X 199/9X 197/9X 200/14X 993/53X
Perry, Cecil 198/7X 199/11X 199/13X 198/9X 199/10X 993/50X
Wiggins, David 199/8X 199/15X 199/16X 199/13X 196/9X 992/61X
Britt, Terry 199/17X 198/8X 199/13X 195/10X 199/13X 990/61X
Weyrauch, Bob 198/11X 199/13X 199/12X 197/14X 197/10X 990/60X
Dennis, Cary 190/15X 200/16X 199/14X 199/12X 200/13X 988/70X
Watson, Brandon 199/13X 197/7X 200/13X 195/9X 197/10X 988/52X
Cornelison, Mike 195/7X 198/8X 198/11X 199/10X 198/11X 988/47X
Wiggins, Shelly 195/9X 197/10X 199/16X 196/11X 198/11X 985/57X
Fitch, Stanley 196/9X 198/7X 198/9X 195/5X 192/4X 979/34X
Finch, Mark 193/5X 196/8X 198/8X 191/4X 191/6X 969/31X
Cox, Daniel 195/8X 197/5X 197/12X 0/0X 0/0X 589/25X
Match1 Match2 Match3 Match4 Match5 Grand Agg
Schmidt, David 198/10X 199/8X 199/9X 200/8X 199/16X 995/51X
Perry, Israel 199/9X 199/12X 200/17X 199/13X 197/8X 994/59X
Berhorst, Mark 199/8X 198/11X 198/10X 196/7X 195/10X 986/46X
Phelps, Tyler 196/6X 197/8X 198/10X 197/7X 198/8X 986/39X
Lundgren, Justin 193/9X 196/10X 198/9X 196/6X 197/9X 980/43X
Krafft, Walt 193/7X 199/6X 196/4X 196/4X 194/4X 978/25X
Hutchison, David 190/2X 0/0X 0/0X 0/0X 0/0X 190/2X
Match1 Match2 Match3 Match4 Match5 Grand Agg
Watkins, Lance 200/14X 200/12X 199/9X 196/12X 197/5X 992/52X
Green, Kevin 199/5X 198/7X 199/11X 195/5X 198/6X 989/34X
Long, Shane 199/7X 199/8X 197/10X 189/6X 195/8X 979/39X
Reese, Dana 186/1X 195/8X 197/9X 192/5X 194/9X 964/32X
Murray, Justin 189/4X 182/5X 185/2X 192/7X 187/6X 935/24X
Murray, Logan (Jr) 163/1X 182/2X 171/2X 192/3X 183/3X 891/11X
Reese, Wendie 165/1X 167/1X 176/1X 175/1X 175/3X 858/7X
Match1 Match2 Match3 Match4 Match5 Grand Agg
Murray, Logan (Jr) 163/1X 182/2X 171/2X 192/3X 183/3X 891/11X
@Vera Greer Keith Beasley @Jerry Rochelle @David Wiggins Michelle Singleton Wiggins Dannie Mary Wake Mike Cornelison-Panther Hollow @Rachel Cook Cary Dennis Brandon Watson @David Schmidt Mark Berhorstt @Lance Watkins Wendie ReeseReese Justin Murray


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